When investing in coins it is important to know the type of coins that are good for investing, what to look for in coins, the types of coins to avoid, coin grading, and also how to choose a coin dealer. We will go through each of these important factors in depth to give you as much information as possible before you choose to move forward with Barkley Rarities. Collectible coins have typically have historical or aesthetic value to collectors. The value of many collectible coins exceeds their melt value because their precious metal content is so small. Coin collectors refer to this collectible value as numismatic value, and they say it is determined by factors like the type of coin, the year it was minted, the place it was minted, and its condition or "grade." Dealers who sell collectible coins often have valuable coins graded by professional services. A grader examines the coin's condition based on a set of criteria. Then the grader assigns it a numerical grade from one to 70, and places it in a plastic cover for protection. But factors like "overall appearance" and "eye appeal" are subjective, and the grade assigned to a particular coin can vary among dealers. What's more, fine distinctions between grades can mean big differences in the value or price of a coin. The difference of one grade in the same coin can mean the loss or gain of thousands of dollars in value. Most collectors tend to hold on to their investment for at least 10 years before turning them in for profit.